Friday, September 30, 2011

Different types of non-verbal communication

Different symbols of non-verbal communication

Briefly discuss different types of non-verbal communication.
Briefly discuss different symbols of non-verbal communication.
We can express our feelings by our facial expression, eye movement, body movement of simply by touching others. So it can be observed that there are different types of non-verbal communication

Types of Non-Verbal communication
At a Glance
  1. Facial expressions
  2. Tone and volume of voice (Paralanguage)
  3. Body language
  4. Gestures
  1. Personal appearance
  2. Touching behavior
  3. Time language
  4. Space and distance
  5. Silence .

Fig- 1 : Different facial expressions
1. Facial expressions :
Face is the index of mind. It tells us what is happening within a man. Facial expression, especially movements of eyes have different meanings. Happiness, Sorrow, Fear and all types of emotion can be expressed through our face and eyes.

2. Tone and Volume of voice ( Paralanguage ) :
Different tone of voice can create different meanings of same word. In the words of lesikar and Pettit, “Paralanguage involves how we say something. “Thus our interest or boredom, happiness or sorrow or any other attitudes can be expressed through pattern of voice.

3. Body language :
One of the major types of non-verbal communication is body language or ‘Kinesics’. We can also communicate our inner feeling through body movements. Not only by face and eyes but we can also convey message by moving our hands, by shaking our shoulders or by nodding our head.

4. Gestures :
Gesture is also a body movement but is a deliberate body movement to convey a specific message. Gestures include movements of the arms, legs, hands and head.
Example : By waving our hands we express ‘good-bye’; by shaking our head from side to side we express “we do not know”.

5. Personal appearance:
Personal appearance includes our clothing, our grooming and our consciousness to styles. It projects our self images to others. A person’s social status and attitude expressed through his / her personal appearance.

Type of touch
Pat on the back or on the arm    >
Slapping    >
Touching head by fingers (in subcontinent) >
To support others opinion or Boostup
To express anger
To bless or to express goodwill .

6. Touching behavior :
Touching is an effective non-verbal communication tool. Different ‘touch’ bear different meanings, for example.

7. Time language :
There is an old saying, “Time is money” – in modern business culture time is really important. By using our own attitude towards time we can convey specific message. For example, in our country sometimes some high officials show their importance by making other people wait for them. We can also demonstrate our eagerness or positive attitude by arriving at time.

8. Space and distance :
Space and distance are also meaningful non-verbal communication technique. Two colleagues of same rank can sit side by side in an office or even can walk keeping and in hand but a subordinate has to maintain a specific distance from his boss. Thus space end distance between different individuals indicate their position and relationship among them.

9. Silence :
Like other types of non-verbal communication a complete silence also can transmit our inner view of mind. Both positive and negative attitude can be expressed through silence.
Related Post Link:

Finally it can be revealed that different types of non-verbal communication are indispensable part of our life.

Different style a letter,formats of a letter

Formats of a letter,Different style a letter

Briefly discuss different style or formats of a letter
Style/Formats of letters:
There are different styles or formats of letter.
1. Full block format
2. Modified block
3. Semi block
4. AMS simplified

1. Full block Format:
Here all elements of a letter begin at the left margin. This format can save typing time and reduced typing errors. Full block format is as follows:
Full Block Style

12 to 14 lines from top of the page

4 to 10 lines below

Double space
Double space

Double space

Double space

4 lines of space

Double space
Date line

Inside address




Complimentary  close

Name / Title



Fig.-7: Full Block Style.

2. Modified Block:
The modified block style is more balanced in its graphic layout than the full block format. In this case each part of the letter begins at the left margin except the date, complementary close and signature block.

Modified block style is illustrated in the following figure:
Modified Block Style

12 to 14 lines from top of the page

4 to 10 lines below date line

Double space

Double space

Double space

Indent to

Double space
                               Date line

Inside address




Complimentary close




Double space

4 lines of space

Fig -08: Modified block style.

3. Semi block format/Indented paragraph format:
The main difference between modified block style and semi block style is, in semiblock format paragraphs are indented. Semiblock format is less formal and basically used for personal messages:
Semiblock format is as follows:
Semiblock style

12 to 14 lines form top of the page

4 to 10 lines below date line

Double space

Double space

Indent 5 space for paragraph

Double space

Double space
                                                               Date line

Inside address




Complimentary close,



Double space

4 lines of space

Fig-09: Semiblock style

4. AMS Simplified style:
The Administrative Management Society (AMS) has proposed a simplified letter format which is known as AMS simplified letter format. In this format salutations and complementary close are eliminated. Here a subject line (in capital letters) is included in the letter. This format can be depicted as follows:
AMS Letter Style

12 to 14 lines from top of paper

4 to 10 lines below date line

Triple space subject line

Triple space

Double space

4 line of space

Double space
           Date line

Inside address




                                                        No Complimentary


Fig- 10: AMS Simplified Style
These are the most popular letter formats which are widely used in the business world.
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advantages and disadvantages of interviews, Define interview

Define interview,What are the objectives of an interview?

Briefly discuss advantages and disadvantages of interviews
Define interview. What are the objectives of an interview?
Interview is a systematic oral technique for obtaining data, directly from an individual. It is a conversation between two or more people, through which information are collected on a particular subject.

In the words of Dr. S. M. Amunuzzaman, “interview is a very systematic method hy which a person enters deeply into the life of even a stranger and can bring out needed information and data for the research purpose.

Thill and Bovee said that, “ an interview is any planed conversation with a specific purpose involving two or more people”.

Thus it can be stated that interview is an organized or planed conversation with a view to explore the unknown information from the interviewee.

Objectives of interview:
1. To collect information
2. To assess human behavior
3. To help research work.
4. To explore the unknown forces acting behind a problem.
5. To formulate hypothesis.
6. To help project evaluation.

Advantages and disadvantages of interview.
Interview is a very effective means to reveal the truth. In business interview is not only used for selecting appropriate candidates, rather it is also used for market survey, for investigation of any problem or to evaluate the satisfaction level of consumers.

The major advantages on interview are as follows:
1. To collect information:
Interview is a useful tool to collect unknown information on a specific subject.

2. Explore causes behind the problem:
In business, executives need to solve different types of problems. To explore or to find out the actual reasons behind the problem interview method can be used.

3. In depth analysis:
Through planed interviews detailed information can be collected which enables proper analysis of a problem.

4. Analysis of abstract factors:
Abstract factors like attitudes, feelings, opinion, etc. can be successfully evaluated or analyzed through interview.

5. Study of historical matters:
A historical matter can be studied by interviewing eye-witnesses and observers.

6. Solving labor problems:
Labor unrest and other disputes are very common in industries. Sometimes human resource managers use interview as a means of revealing actual causes behind the labor deputes.

7. Flexible:
One of the major advantages of interview is flexibility. That is depending on the situation it can be framed differently.

8. Cross checking:
To find the fact, cross checking questions can be included in an interview.

9. Reliable:
Interview is a direct method for collecting data in which personal barriers are eliminated. As a result findings of an interview are reliable.

10. Project evaluation:
Feasibility, economic viability and other aspects of a new project can be evaluated through interview.

Disadvantages/Demerits/Limitations of interview:
1. Biases of interviewer:
Always there is a possibility that interview process can be influenced by the biases of the interviewer.

2. Time consuming:
Preparation for the interview, taking interview and interpretation of the responses required much time which make the interview method time consuming.

3. Costly:
Generally interview method is expensive.

4. Inefficiency of the interviewer:
Interview is a systematic process of data collection. Success of an interview depends on the efficiency of the interviewer. Thus inefficiency of an interviewer can lead to misleading results.

5. Not suitable for personal matters:
Personal matters may not be revealed by interview method.

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Importance of Communication in Management

Functions of management influenced by communication

Importance of Communication in Management Or Functions of management influenced by communication.
There is saying, “Human minds are like parachutes, they don’t work until they are opened” – management try to open the minds of the employees and guide them to achieve the desired goal. But this job of management will not be possible if there is no communication.

Infact communication helps to accomplish all the basic management functions – planning, organizing, leading and controlling. As a result, organizations can achieve their goals and meet their challenges. (Newstrom & Davis, 2002)
Now let us see how communication helps the function fo management.
Fig. 3 : Influence of Communication on Management.
[Source : S. M. Rakib hasan, Lecture Notes]

The importance of communication in management can be evaluated in the following manner :
Ensure Co-ordination: 
If there is no communication, employees will not be able to know what their colleagues are doing. Management will not be able to receive information and can not give directions, as a result the organization will collapse. Thus for the existence of the organization communication is essential.

Helps in Controlling: 
Managers exercise controlling function when any deviation takes place. But without the help of communication deviation can not be identified.

Assist direction: 
proper direction is essential to fulfill the organizational goal. If managers can not receive required information about the proceedings then they will not be able to provide proper directions. Thus there must be a sound communication system fo receiving required information.

Supports motivation:
To motivate employees, management at first try to understand the motives and attitudes of the employees. Without communication skill others, attitude cant not be evaluated and thus proper incentives cant not be provided to motivate them.

Human resource development :
The future of the organization largely depends on the development of the human resource of the organization. It has been proved that managers having excellent communication skill can guide the human resource in proper directions.

Leadership : 
Leadership is the process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving objectives. (K. Davis : 2002). That is managers achieve goal by directing the activates of others. Thus they need to communicate with others to provide proper direction.

Decision making : 
Decision making-perhaps the most important managerial activity also depends on communication. Top management need useful information to make effective decision. Adequate and authentic information can be obtained through sound communication system.

Finally it can be said that managers can play vital role to ensure the achievement of organizational goal – but without effective communication that will turn into a nightmare.
Related Post:

For keep mind of Importance of Communication in Management Or Functions of management influenced by communication.
1st Part : There is a saying, “Human------------------------------------------------“
2nd Part : Picture
3rd Part : 7 Pont of Importance of Communication in Management Or Functions of management influenced by communication.

Importance, Usefulness, Advantages of Business Communication

Functions of Business Communication

Importance, Usefulness, Advantages of Business Communication
Or ,
Functions of Business Communication
There is a strong relationship between successful communication and employee satisfaction. Thus effective communication is a precondition for job satisfaction as well as for the better productivity of an organization.

Prof. Keith Davis rightly said that, “Communication is necessary to perpetuate (Preserve) the health of the organization.

When communication is effective it tends to encourage better performance and job satisfaction. (David Pircus - 1986 )

The important functions of business communication are as follows:
In decision making: 
Managerial decisions affect the very existence of the organization. Thus managers need timely and useful information to make proper decision. Without a sound communication system useful information can not be provided timely.

In making plan: 
Effective plans are indispensable for the achievement of the organizational goal and an effective communication network is essential for making effective plans.

Implementation of plan: 
A very good plan may go in vain if the plan is not properly implemented. Top management make the plan but employees and subordinates implement it. Thus a proper communication system can ensure proper implementation of a plan.

In policy formulation:
management collect essential information from various sources through communication channels and formulates policies.

In controlling: 
Superior established command and control on their subordinates through downward communication.

In motivation:
Superiors use various tools of communication to motivate their subordinates and then subordinates are encouraged to work in proper way.

In direction: 
Superior often direct their subordinates through communication channels, and chain of command is established on the whole organization.

In cooperation:
Co-operative environment is created by proper communication system.

In co-ordination: 
Communication co-ordinates between management and employees.

In sharing ideas: 
Interested parties can share their ideas in proper way through sound communication system.

In solving problem: 
Communication plays vital role to solve various problems and complexities of business.

In minimizing cost and time: 
Communication channels provide latest information and aid to management to minimize cost and save time.

In product development:
 management collect latest information about customers, choice, demand , ability etc and develop their product to attract prospective customers.

In creating awareness: 
Proper communication helps to create awareness among employees about their duties and responsibilities.

In public relation: 
Communication helps to establish proper relation with customers, creditors, shareholders, govt, tax authorities etc.

In ensuring teamwork: Communication makes whole organization as a team. Teamwork ensure organizational development.

Away of keep mind in Importance, Usefulness, Advantages of Business Communication
Or Functions of Business Communication.

1st Part : There is a strong relationship between------------------------------

Said of Keith Davis: ----------------------------
2nd Part : the 16 points of Importance, Usefulness, Advantages of Business --- Communication Or Functions of Business Communication.

Related Post:

1. In decision making
2. In making plan
3. Implementation of plan
4. In policy formulation
5. In controlling
6. In motivation
7. In direction
8. In co-operation
9. In co-ordination
10. In sharing ideas
11. In solving problem
12. In minimizing cost and time
13. In product development
14. In creating awareness
15. In public relation
16. In ensuring teamwork.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Principles of Business Communication

7c’s of Business Communication

7c’s of Business Communication
What are the principles, those must be followed in business communication.
Like other discipline business communication has certain scientific principles. These principles are important and relevant to all media but they are most important to written communication.
The principles of business communication are as follows:
1. Clarity
2. Completeness
3. Conciseness
4. Consideration
5. Courtesy
6. Correctness
7. Concreteness
Fig-2 : Principles of business communication (7 c’ s of Business Communication )
[Source : (Data) : Herta A. Murphy et al]

a. Clarity of thought : 
The sender must have clear idea about following three points in his mind –
i. What is the objective of communication
ii. What is to be communicated?
iii. Which media will be the most suitable for this purpose?

b. Clarity of expression : 
The sender should be careful about the following points, otherwise message may be misinterpreted in receiver’s mind.

i. Use simple words instead of heavy words-
Do not use                            Use
Visualise                               See
Utilise                                   Use

ii. Use single words instead of long phrases-
Do not use                           Use
At all times                          Always
At the present time               Now

iii. Use verbs in place of nouns-
Do not use                          Use
Come to a conclusion          Conclude
Make a decision                  Decide

iv. Avoid double entry-
Do not use                          Use
Actual fact                          fact
11 a.m. in the morning        11 a. m

v. Use concrete expressions instead of vague and general statement-
Do not use                                                                   Use
Goods are soon being dispatched                                Goods will be dispatched on 2nd july

vi. Prefer active constructions instead of passive constructions-
Do not use                                                                   Use
Your report will be discussed by                                  A committee will discuss your
A committee                                                                Report

vii. Avoid use of the infinitive (to-verb-to give, to learn etc.)
Do not use                                                                   Use
It is my fob to supervise                                                I Supervise

viii. Avoid Jargon (i. e, special language of trade, profession or field of study)
Do not use                                                                   Use
Ultimo (the previous month )                                         Write the month
Proximo (next month)                                                   Write the name of the month

ix. Avoid ambiguity (i. e, the message contains more than one meaning)

x. Use short sentences instead of long sentences.

Completeness of facts is essential in business communication. Message should organize in such a way that the receiver has no doubts about anything contained in it. Sender should keep following points in his mind to make a message complete:

a. He should answered all the questions while answering a letter, and
b. Check for ‘5 W’ questions- who, what, where, when and why. (K. pal & Korlahalli, 2002) for example, while announcing a meeting, specify

i. When the meetin is to be held?
ii. Where it is to be held?
iii. Why it is to be held?
iv. What is to be discussed in the meeting?
v. Who is to attend the meeting?

 To win reader’s attention, length of message should be reasonable. Length of message may be short or long on the basis of describing necessary fact. The following rules help to achieve conciseness:

i. In clued only relevant fact.
ii. Avoid reparation.
iii. Avoid wordy expressions.
iv. Organize the message well. (R. Pal etal, 2002)

In a message consideration must show to the reader in the following ways:
a. Adopt you view instead of I and we view.
b. Avoid gender bias in the followings ways:

I. Use gender bias free words-
Do not use                                                   Use
Chairman                                                     Chairperson,
Policemen                                                    Police

ii. Use a slash (/) to include both alternatives:
                                                                     Dear sir/ Madam,
                                                                     Gentlemen / Ladies

c. Use positive words instead of negative words for approaching.

Courtesy demands a considerate and friendly behavior towards others. The following principles help to promote courtesy:

i. Answer the letters promptly.
ii. Omit irritating expressions.
iii. Apologise sincerely for an omission.
iv. Thank generously for any favor

The following rules help to achieve correctness in the message.
i. Transmit correct facts in correct language.
ii. Message must be transmitted and responded at appropriate time.
iii. Message shoud be sent in correct style after considering readers:
Educational background, vocabulary, specialized knowledge, psychological make-up, relationship with the organization etc.

 The following guidelines help to ensure concreteness in the message:
i. Use specific facts and figures.
ii. Put action in the verbs.
iii. Use vivid and image building words. [H. A. Murphy, et al : 2000]
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Objectives of business Communication

Purposes of business Communication

The objectives of Business Communication or, The Purposes of Business Communication. 
Management of every business organization want to achieve organizational goal. The main purpose of communication is to aid management to achieve organizational goal. The other important purposes are stated below:

To make plan : 
plan means to take decision what will be done in future. Sound communication system provide essential information and data to plan effectively.

To implement plan: 
 Plan can be implemented on the basis of effective direction, motivation and control of the management through sound communication system.

To formulate policy: 
 Essential information collected from various sources to formulate proper policy. Management depends on communication channels for this purpose.

To help controlling: 
 Employees are bound to perform their duties and responsibilities in time and proper way under effective control of management. Effective communication system helps management to establish control on employees.

To motivate employees: 
 The communication system helps every business organization to apply effective methods of motivation, such as, declare bonus for extra production, commission for extra sales, free medical facilities etc.

To direct:
 Management often provide necessary direction to subordinates through communication channels and thus subordinates can perform their duties smoothly.

To train employees: 
 Essential professional trainings are given under sound communication system to develop the efficiency of employees.

To co-operate: 
 Efficient communication system ensures mutual cooperation among management, employees, stockholders etc.

To create awareness: 
 Sound communication system creates awareness among employees about their duties and responsibilities.

To improve relationship: 
 Effective communication system creates good relationship between management employees and among the employees.

To exchange information: 
Internal and external parties exchange information among each other through the communication system.

To increase productivity : 
Sound communication system helps the management to increase productivity.

To increase sales: 
 Management can increase sales through various media and channel of communication.

To solve problem: 
 Proper communication helps to solve various problems, such as recruitment, promotion, transfer, etc.

To manage conflict: 
 Another objective of communication is to manage internal conflicts. Conflicts can be solved by effective communication between the concerned parties.

Fig 1 : Objectives of Business Communication.
[Source : Bhuiyan, J. Hossan, Lec. sheet]
Tips of objectives of business communication away of keep mind :
1st part : Management of every business………………………………………………
2nd Part : Figure [picture]
3rd Part : Brief of 15 points
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Features of Communication

Characteristics of Communication

Features of Communication or Characteristics of Communication
Communication is a dynamic process. Information can be exchanged through communication. The basic characteristics or features of communication are as follows :
At a glance
1. Information/Messages
2. Transfer of message
3. Two or more persons
4. Media
5. Feedback
6. Specific objectives
7. Understanding
8. Barriers
9. Dynamic Process
10. Indispensable

Information/Messages : 
 Information or message is the basic element of all types of communication. Communication takes place to transfer particular informational message.

Transfer of message: 
 The main function of communication is to transfer particular message or information.
Two or more persons: Basically communication is a two way process. One person can not make successful communication. At least two persons are required to complete the communication process.

Without a media communication can not take place. Information can be transferred through written, verbal or non-verbal media.

 Communication experts think that ‘no feedback-no communication’. Infect the communication cycle ends with feedback. For effective communication there must be a feedback from the receiver.

Specific objectives: 
 Communication always made to satisfy a predetermined objective(s). That is in any type of communication there must be a specific purpose.

 Communication must include both the transfer and understanding of messages. Only transfer of message can not complete the communication process. To be effective the transferred message must be understood by the receiver.

 where there is communication there must be some kind of barriers. In real world we can not think of communication without barriers. Infact we are to make communication by overcoming the barriers.

Dynamic Process: 
 Communication is not a static process, rather it is a dynamic process which has different steps.

 Perhaps the most important feature of communication is, if is an indispensable part of human life or social life. Without communication will be static.
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Define of Communication

What is Communication?

Communication is a two-way process through which two or more people can share their ideas and fallings .Through communication information and understanding can be transferred from one person to another persons – a sender and a receiver.

In the words of Prof. B. R. Ricks and K. F. Gow, “ Communication is the exchange of information that is mutually understood.”

S. P. Robbins defines communication as “ The transference and understanding of meaning.”

Newstrom & Davis said, “ It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings and values.”

According to Oxford Dictionary, “Communication is the science and practice of transmitting information.”
Thus, following points or elements of communication can be noted:
i) Two or more persons
ii) Exchange of ideas and feelings
iii) A process/Media
iv) Understanding of message.
In the light of above discussion, it can be said that, communication is a moving media by which at least two or more persons can share their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Tip of Communications for way of keep mind :
1st Part: Communication is a two-way process………………………………………..
2nd Part: Definition of Ricks & Gow
Definition of S. P. Robbins
Definition of Newstrom & Davis
Definition of Oxford Dictionary
3rd Part: ……………………………..Elements of Communication………………………………………….
i) Two or more persons
ii) Exchange of ideas and feelings
iii) A process / media
iv) Understanding of message
4th Part: Communication is a moving media……………………………………………………..
Hello guys you will get Related Post

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Definition of Business Communication

What is Business Communication?

Definition of Business Communication:
Business can not exist without communication. Communication in the business and for the business can be termed as business communication. Managers make decisions by collecting data form lower level employees. In other words, employees provides information to the management for decision making.

Whatever it is the fact is organizations can not move or run without communication.

  • Prof. Lesikar and Pettit said that – “ Business communication is the ingredient that makes organization possible. It is the vehicle through which the basic management functions are carried out.”
  • In the Words of Ricks and Gow – “ Business communication is a link that allows organization to function as a system.”
  • In the eyes of Brennar - “ Business communication is the expression channeling, receiving and interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry.”

In the light of above discussion it can be stated that business communication is a is a continuous process through which business related information, ideas, and opinions are transferred from one party to another.

Tips of Business Communication:
1st part – Business can not exist………………………………..
2nd Part – Whatever it is ………………………………..
3rd Part – Definition of Lesikar and Pettit
- Definition of Ricks and Gow
- Definition of Brenner
4th Part – In The light of………………………………………..

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